An artist / illustrator based in Northern Ireland

It's May 2013, tomorrow is deadline day for my degree in Graphic Design & Illustration. I’m in my student house in Belfast, ready for a long working day ahead. I leave my room to get some food and return to 7 missed calls…. My Dad has had a massive heart attack and is currently in hospital with the rest of my family. I have to get there as soon as I can because no one knows what way it’s going to go.
My Dad was 61, the heart attack was completely out of the blue. He'd been planning on retiring soon, from the only job he'd ever had, 45 long years in a factory. He would relax when retired, maybe do a little charity work, go on holidays, get out on his bike more… But his heart had stopped for 20 minutes, without oxygen brain cells start to die after 4.
My Father is alive and well today, but due to his acquired brain injury, most of the things he planned to do when retired aren’t possible. Thinking about that has pushed me to try and create a lifestyle that I can enjoy right now. I don’t want to have the Sunday night fear about work in the morning or to always be counting down the days until I’m off again.
That’s where Debmon Design comes in. With a range of cards, prints and custom portraits I am building my own business and therefore my own lifestyle. Through what I create, I want to remind people not to take life too seriously, to play more! That you don’t always have to be looking ahead, waiting for a holiday or striving for that next milestone. You can stop for a moment, take a breath, take a look around and see all the great things you can enjoy right now.